Jujutsu Kaisen Manga 228 and 229

What Happened in Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapters 228 and 229?

Hello, fellow Jujutsu Kaisen fans! In this blog post, I will review and summarize the latest chapters of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, 228 and 229, which feature the epic showdown between Gojo and Sukuna in Shinjuku. If you haven’t read them yet, be warned that spoilers will be ahead!

Chapter 228: Inhuman Makyo Shinjuku Showdown, Part 6

The chapter begins with a flashback of Atsuya Kusakabe, Mei Mei, Ui Ui, and Maki Zenin fighting against Choso and his brothers in Shinjuku. They manage to defeat them, but then they are confronted by Kasumi Miwa, who Kinji Hakari has brainwashed. Miwa attacks them with her sword technique, but Maki blocks it with her bare hands. Maki reveals that she has awakened a new power after surviving the Shibuya Incident and that she is now stronger than any of the Zenin clan members.

Meanwhile, in the present, Gojo and Sukuna continue their fierce battle in the sky. Gojo unleashes his Limitless technique, which allows him to manipulate space and time. He creates a massive black hole that sucks in Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine, a domain expansion that amplifies his cursed energy and attacks. Sukuna tries to resist, but he is overwhelmed by Gojo’s power. Gojo then activates his own domain expansion, Unlimited Void, which traps Sukuna in a world of infinite information that renders him unable to move or think.

Gojo taunts Sukuna, saying that he is nothing compared to him. He asks him about his true goal since he knows that Sukuna is hiding something. Sukuna remains silent, but he smiles wickedly. He reveals that he has a secret technique that can break out of Gojo’s domain and that he was waiting for the right moment to use it. He says that he will show Gojo his true power soon.

Chapter 229: Inhuman Makyo Shinjuku Showdown, Part 7

The chapter resumes with Gojo and Sukuna still trapped in Unlimited Void. Gojo notices that Sukuna is not affected by his domain as much as he expected. He realizes that Sukuna has a way to escape and decides to finish him off quickly. He uses his Red technique, which creates a powerful blast of cursed energy. He aims it at Sukuna’s heart, hoping to kill him.

However, before the blast can hit him, Sukuna activates his secret technique: Domain Amplification. This technique allows him to create a second domain expansion within another one, creating a clash of domains that cancels out both of them. Sukuna’s second domain is called Malevolent Shrine: Resurrection, which restores his cursed energy and heals his wounds.

Gojo is shocked by this turn of events. He wonders how Sukuna learned such a technique and why he didn’t use it earlier. He suspects that Sukuna has a hidden agenda and that he is not interested in killing him or Yuji Itadori. He thinks that Sukuna is after something else, something more dangerous.

Sukuna confirms Gojo’s suspicions. He says that he doesn’t care about Gojo or Yuji and that he only wants to obtain something that belongs to him. He says that he will reveal his true intentions soon enough, but for now, he wants to enjoy the fight. He says that he will show Gojo his true strength and that he will make him regret ever crossing him.

The two sorcerers resume their battle, exchanging blows and techniques. They are evenly matched, having immense cursed energy and domain expansions. However, Gojo has an advantage: he can use his Limitless technique to manipulate space and time, giving him an edge over Sukuna’s physical attacks.

Gojo exploits this advantage to gain the upper hand. He uses his Blue technique, which creates a powerful attraction force that pulls Sukuna towards him. He then uses his Hollow Purple technique, which creates a void that erases anything it touches. He aims it at Sukuna’s head, hoping to end the fight once and for all.

However, before the void can reach him, Sukuna summons his trump card: Mahoraga. Mahoraga is a giant shikigami with eight arms and four faces. It is one of the Ten Shadows Technique’s divine generals, the strongest among them. It was originally Megumi Fushiguro’s shikigami, but Sukuna took control of it during the Shibuya Incident.

Mahoraga intercepts Gojo’s Hollow Purple with its sword-like arms. It then uses its dharmachakra technique, which allows it to adapt to any cursed technique it encounters. It breaks through Gojo’s domain expansion, creating a shockwave that shatters the surrounding buildings.

Gojo is stunned by Mahoraga’s appearance and power. He wonders how Sukuna could summon it and why he didn’t use it earlier. He realizes that Sukuna has been holding back and that he has more tricks up his sleeve. He thinks Sukuna is planning something big that could change the world.

The chapter ends with a cliffhanger, as Gojo faces the dual threat of Sukuna and Mahoraga. Will he be able to overcome them, or will he fall victim to their combined might? What is Sukuna’s true goal, and what does he want to obtain? Find out in the next chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen!

To Find out what can happen next, read the Next blog

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